GK GK worksheets 0% 3 votes, 5 avg 0 Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 123456789101112131415 Time Limit 10 minutes Maximum Allowed Time Is over Your Paper Successfully Sent. school1 GK GK worksheets 1 / 15 How many seasons are there in a year? Four Three Five 2 / 15 What is the shape of a soccer ball? Square Hexagon Circle 3 / 15 Name one animal that can fly. Elephant Lion Bird 4 / 15 What do you wear on your feet? Hat Gloves Shoes 5 / 15 How many legs does a cat have? Four Six Two 6 / 15 What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter Earth Venus 7 / 15 What is the sound made by a cat? Meow Woof Moo 8 / 15 What is the color of the sky? Green Blue Red 9 / 15 How many legs does a dog have? Two Four Six 10 / 15 What is the opposite of "hot"? Small Big Cold 11 / 15 What do plants need to grow? Air Water Sunlight 12 / 15 What is the primary color obtained by mixing red and yellow? Green Purple Orange 13 / 15 What is the color of the sun? Red Yellow Blue 14 / 15 What is the shape of the moon? Square Crescent Circle 15 / 15 What do you use to write or draw on paper? Pencil Pen Marker Your score isShare the GK Test For Free with your friends & family LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Exit you can rate the paper on 1 to 5 scale 1 is least liked and 5 is most liked Anonymous feedback See review Send feedback