Yoga Contest

International Yoga Day Contest 21st June


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International Yoga Day Contest


1 / 30

What was the theme of International day of Yoga 2022 ?

2 / 30

Name the asana in which waist and arms look like a cobra.

3 / 30

Yoga means …..........

4 / 30

How many steps are there In Surya namaskar ?

5 / 30

which of the statement is correct aboit yoga.

6 / 30

The word Yoga is derived from a sanskrit word meaning what ?

7 / 30

Who had introduced yoga first time to the western world in a religion conference Chicago, America ?

8 / 30

The mountain pose is known as which yogasana ?

9 / 30

The yoga class begin with a ….

10 / 30

This asana will help you to calms your brain.

11 / 30

Yoga sutra written by….....

12 / 30

Which asana increases the height of children ?

13 / 30

Which veda mentions about the elements of Yoga ?

14 / 30

To control the breath what is the name of that technique ?

15 / 30

Which International day of yoga event created a guinness World Record ?

16 / 30

Halasana activates which of these glands ?

17 / 30

Gomukhasana,Chakrasana and Matsyasana are helpful in curing which disease ?

18 / 30

What is the sitting asana among the mentioned /

19 / 30

The power of concentration is possible through…...

20 / 30

In which position is Sukhasana performed ?

21 / 30

Which asana can be performed immediately after the meals ?

22 / 30

When was the first Internatioanl Yoga day observed in India ?

23 / 30

The purpose of yoga as taught by the ancients is to attain…..

24 / 30

Scorpion pose refers to which of these positions ?

25 / 30

Bhramari pranayama has the benefit of…....

26 / 30

The appropriate amount of time to wait after a meal before beginning a yoga is..

27 / 30

What is the benefit of yoga ?

28 / 30

Prana means …...

29 / 30

What is the most important objective during yoga ?

30 / 30

Which of these asanas provides a good spinal stretch ?